I now understand what the term soulmate means for me.. Before I had always thought everyone was born with one destined for them..the perfect match. But what I came to realize is our souls are an ever-changing and evolving being. It changes, it grows and at times it is also trapped. For some it is a consistent growth in an easy pace and for others it is rapid and strong or maybe an entanglement from one energy to another. During those beautiful moments people meet and connect amazingly, I believe they were actually soulmates of that time in their life, having the same energy or being in a situation where one balances out the other. However the growth of everyone's soul come in different speeds or go in different directions and at times the connection begins to weaken. There are people who realize it and commit to do the work, aligning their souls to the same level again (preferably to a greater level) and there are others who decide to part and follow a separate direction they were ...