
Showing posts from September, 2009


I now understand what the term soulmate means for me.. Before I had always thought everyone was born with one destined for them..the perfect match. But what I came to realize is our souls are an ever-changing and evolving being. It changes, it grows and at times it is also trapped. For some it is a consistent growth in an easy pace and for others it is rapid and strong or maybe an entanglement from one energy to another. During those beautiful moments people meet and connect amazingly, I believe they were actually soulmates of that time in their life, having the same energy or being in a situation where one balances out the other. However the growth of everyone's soul come in different speeds or go in different directions and at times the connection begins to weaken. There are people who realize it and commit to do the work, aligning their souls to the same level again (preferably to a greater level) and there are others who decide to part and follow a separate direction they were ...

The Memory

Do I need to embrace it to finally let go.. doesn't seem to work to just let go and move on... ghosts are haunting me... over and over... the more i try to forget... the more painful it is when the memories comes the remedy: finding a silver lining that came out of it because at the moment... the memory stings

Words of Hāfez (Hafiz) the Great Sufi Master

Your love Should never be offered to the mouth of a Stranger, Only to someone Who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife Then weave them into a blanket To protect you. ... The earth has disappeared beneath my feet, Illusion fled from all my ecstasy. Now like a radiant sky creature God keeps opening. God keeps opening Inside of Me. ... Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth,”You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.

dreams and nightmares

What are dreams and nightmares... some believe they are revelations from God or from the spirits of the afterlife... some believe they mean nothing and others believe they are an insight to our psychological being... I believe in the latter and that from it we can learn more about our current state and our need to progress and grow. Last night I had an unimaginable nightmare that I dare not to share... it makes me cringe just thinking about it now. I've read that the most vivid of nightmares can actually help us by pointing out what we need to focus on: "They make vivid and memorable some important thoughts and feelings that we tend to push aside by day, they articulate the nature of the conflicts we face, and highlight the connection between present challenges and past history" -Bud J. From my dream I found an interpretation from You are feeling violated in some way or being taken advantage of. Something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emo...