I stare at my 2 hands on the steering wheel. Big boney fingers, rough cracked sun-spotted skin, I can't seem to recognize them. How are these foreign hands able to move? They no longer feel connected to me as the sense of detachment rises to it's highest point. How can the soul feel, how does the emotion connect to the body. How does my body shake when I am angry, shocked or feeling small, how do these salty tears keep falling when I am sad or overjoyed, how does the gut crunching laugh begin when I hear something hilarious. How does nausea come when a bad memory sneaks in, how does my heart beat rapidly when inspiration comes to me. And why at this time, do I feel my soul separating from this body. I feel as though the time has come to go beyond this flesh and expand this energy within. "The Truth has shared so much of Itself With me That I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, Or even pure Soul." ~ Hafiz