
Showing posts from November, 2009

the path is clear

As I embrace this darkness...I can finally see the light... the dark becomes a beautiful peaceful place of awakening...and the journey will be miraculous...


...calling this darkness home for now...

"Letter to My Daughter" Maya Angelou

I love to read however there's just so much books on my list and so little time. So for some books I decided to listen to the audiobook instead. But when purchasing an audiobook one needs to be selective because you'll have different preferences in who the narrator is (I usually listen to a sample before i make a purchase from and for most books, they were just meant to be read. Right now I am listening to Maya Angelou's "Letter to My Daughter", with the narration by Maya Angelou herself :) Here's some quotes from the book that I loved. "Home is that youthful region where a child is the only real living inhabitant. Parents, siblings, and neighbors, are mysterious apparitions, who come, go, and do strange unfathomable things in and around the child, the region’s only enfranchised citizen." "I am convinced that most people do not grow up. We find parking spaces and honor our credit cards. We marry and dare to have children and call th...

Strength of the mind

...slicing throbbing pain, I bend my arm to see the skin near my elbow and find a long horrific gash, visible red flesh. I grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol with my left hand and pour it without hesitant on the wound, emptying the bottle out completely. I feel every piercing gut wrenching sting that I wake up shaking... These past few nights, I've had dreams where I am injured and I feel the pain. The pain becomes so excruciating that it wakes me up from sleep, and when I awake the pain continues for a few moments even if the physical injury doesn't really exist. From the dream dictionary: To dream that you are in pain, signifies that you are being too hard on yourself, especially if a situation was out of your control. To dream that you are injured, suggests that you need to work on healing old wounds and hurts. You need to stop and slow down. If pain is felt in a dream where it's physically non-existent, then I can understand even more the strength of our mind & soul, ...

Light Breeze by Rumi

As regards feeling pain, like a hand cut in battle, consider the body a robe you wear. When you meet someone you love, do you kiss their clothes? Search out who's inside. Union with God is sweeter than body comforts. We have hands and feet different from these. Sometimes in dream we see them. That is not illusion. It's seeing truly. You do have a spirit body; don't dread leaving the physical one. Sometimes someone feels this truth so strongly that he or she can live in mountain solitude totally refreshed. The worried, heroic doings of men and women seem weary and futile to dervishes enjoying the light breeze of spirit. ~ Rumi

Body and Soul

I stare at my 2 hands on the steering wheel. Big boney fingers, rough cracked sun-spotted skin, I can't seem to recognize them. How are these foreign hands able to move? They no longer feel connected to me as the sense of detachment rises to it's highest point. How can the soul feel, how does the emotion connect to the body. How does my body shake when I am angry, shocked or feeling small, how do these salty tears keep falling when I am sad or overjoyed, how does the gut crunching laugh begin when I hear something hilarious. How does nausea come when a bad memory sneaks in, how does my heart beat rapidly when inspiration comes to me. And why at this time, do I feel my soul separating from this body. I feel as though the time has come to go beyond this flesh and expand this energy within. "The Truth has shared so much of Itself With me That I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, Or even pure Soul." ~ Hafiz


My friend and I met up with this guy who had psychic abilities. He was able to see paths that are opening for us and also our past life. He mentioned that my friend was a french guy :D I could completely see her as being french but the "guy" part surprised me! Then he mentioned that he was only able to see me as a child. I don't really know if I believe in reincarnations so I did some research. In the Qur'an there are these verses: "How can you reject faith in God? Do you not recall that you were once without life, and God gave you life; then God will cause you to die, and will again bring you to life; and finally to God will you return." (2:28) "They will say, "Our Lord, you have put us to death twice, and You gave us two lives; now we have confessed our sins. Is there any way out?" (40:11) From these versus it seems that we have two lives. However in another verse it says: When death comes to one of them, he says, 'My Lord, send me back ...

God circled on a map for you

The place where you are right now God circled on a map for you. Wherever your eyes and arms and heart can move against the earth and sky, the Beloved has bowed there. Our Beloved has bowed there knowing you were coming. I could tell you a priceless secret about your real worth dear pilgrim. But any unkindness to yourself, any confusion about others, will keep one from accepting the grace, the love! Hafiz