21-Day Consciousness Cleanse

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated in learning various methods of spiritual transformations...methods that can open me up in new ways of belief and understanding about life, God, the universe, and above all about myself. For the past month I've been following Debbie Ford, an author and spiritual coach, reading her book "Why Good People Do Bad Things" and watching the movie "The Shadow Effect" (Journey from your darkest thought to your greatest dream). Now she has another book "The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse" which program she is offering for free at oprah.com

"The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse is a practical program that promises to alter the quality and direction of your life and support you in not only obtaining your goals for the new year, but, more importantly, creating a new loving and nurturing relationship with yourself and with the power that sources you. This program will enable you to take back your power from the outer world, turn inward and reconnect with your inner guide and your highest self."

The program has started since January 4th so get started now if you're interested!

Day 1: The Gift of Desire
Evoke two desires for 2010 that will lead you to joy, fulfillment and the next greatest evolution of yourself. These desires will act as your guide and your focus point through this life-altering process.

For me I am choosing:
1. Healthier Body (exercise, drink more water, eat consciously)
2. Have more self-confidence (courage to speak out, try new things, know my likes and dislikes)

Cleansing Ritual
What area of your life that needs your attention right now?
Mind and Body
What will that part of your life look like?
Peaceful, Overwhelming Gratitude, Faith, Love in everyone and everything
How will achieving your goal change your life and those around you?
Become a positive energy for myself and others
When you reach your goal, when you fulfill that desire, what will it make room for?
Positivity, love, endless journeys
What is the one feeling you desire to feel most this year?
Love all around me
How will you act differently if you were feeling that feeling all the time?
How would people around you benefit? What would be different in your world?
Positive energy

Soulful Action
Your Outer Goal: What is one action you can take today that will move you one step closer to your soul's vision? Make a commitment to take that action.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water

Your Inner Goal: What is one action you can take or one thought you can think that will support you in having more of the feeling you most desire?Take that action or think that thought today.
Give loving attention to my sister

Soul Food: I am worthy of living my heart's desires.


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