I came across a blog by Patti Digh: 37days.typepad.com "What would you be doing today if you only had 37 days to live?". She had a post about Thich Naht Hanh hugging meditation: "Hugging meditation is a combination of East and West. According to the practice, you have to really hug the person you are hugging. You have to make him or her very real in your arms, not just for the sake of appearances, patting him on the back to pretend you are there, but breathing consciously and hugging with all your body, spirit, and heart. Hugging meditation is a practice of mindfulness. "Breathing in, I know my dear one is in my arms, alive. Breathing out, she is so precious to me." If you breathe deeply like that, holding the person you love, the energy of care, love, and mindfulness will penetrate into that person and she will be nourished and bloom like a flower. When we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we are not separate beings. Hugging with mindfulness and concen...
Since I was young I had this constant need to learn about spirituality or anything that can empower the mind, body and soul. From religious teachings, self-improvement books, reading the new earth to practicing the law of attraction, it seemed that I couldn't just constrain myself to one method of belief. I realized it's not actually an answer that I seek, it's the discovery of looking into life questions itself that I enjoyed. After having a little fall-out the past months, I laid in bed and I questioned myself... what was I missing in this process? I am trying out this law of attraction... made the perfect vision board, and attracting the romance, the finances, the new friends, but I couldn't seem to hold on to it long enough. It just passes me by... like a butterfly having a beautiful dance near you... giving you that moment of bliss, and in an instant it flutters off never to be seen again. In my mind there will be more butterflies that comes and goes. Was I wrong...
Tomorrow morning, before you get out of bed, rearrange your mind to love the day. No matter what the day brings, accept everything without judgment. Instead choose to see the beauty and perfection of it all. Know that all challenges are an opportunity for you to progress. And the universe never gives you more than you can handle. - Kelly Howell
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