I came across a blog by Patti Digh: 37days.typepad.com "What would you be doing today if you only had 37 days to live?". She had a post about Thich Naht Hanh hugging meditation: "Hugging meditation is a combination of East and West. According to the practice, you have to really hug the person you are hugging. You have to make him or her very real in your arms, not just for the sake of appearances, patting him on the back to pretend you are there, but breathing consciously and hugging with all your body, spirit, and heart. Hugging meditation is a practice of mindfulness. "Breathing in, I know my dear one is in my arms, alive. Breathing out, she is so precious to me." If you breathe deeply like that, holding the person you love, the energy of care, love, and mindfulness will penetrate into that person and she will be nourished and bloom like a flower. When we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we are not separate beings. Hugging with mindfulness and concen...